Sunday, December 4, 2016

Second week of Advent

Im·mac·u·late Con·cep·tion
  1. the doctrine that God preserved the Virgin Mary from the taint of original sin from the moment she was conceived; it was defined as a dogma of the Roman Catholic Church in 1854.
    • the feast commemorating the Immaculate Conception on December 8.

Lectio Divina For Advent

Lectio divina is a form of meditation rooted in liturgical celebration that dates back to early monastic communities. It was a method practiced by monks in their daily encounter with Scripture, both as they prepared for the Eucharist and as they prayed the Liturgy of the Hours. 
The Latin phrase "lectio divina" may be translated as "divine reading."  As one reads and invites the Word to become a transforming lens that brings the events of daily living into focus, one can come to live more deeply and find the presence of God more readily in the events of each day. The method of lectio divina follows four steps:
  • lectio (reading)
  • meditatio (meditation)
  • contemplatio (contemplation)
  • and oratio (prayer).

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.