Saturday, January 6, 2018

Chemo Day 5~Justin has 2 days off then a chemo of Bleomycin on Tuesday~At every moment of the day God tries to get our/my attention. These are called Epiphanies.

Epiphanies are small and big, easy to see and delayed in recognition. They are "aha moments" and can concern every aspect of our lives and every moment, they are when God reveals a truth~His truth~ for love of us and for our benefit.

Enjoy Epiphanies!
~You are loved~

The treatment will be: BEP (5D) REGIMEN
B= Bleomycin
E= Etoposide

Medical uses[edit]


Bleomycin is mostly used to treat cancer.[1] This includes testicular cancerovarian cancer, and Hodgkin's disease, and less commonly non-Hodgkin's disease.[1] It can be given intravenously, by intramuscular injection, or under the skin.[1]
Bleomycin is a medication used to treat cancer.[1] This includes Hodgkin's lymphomanon-Hodgkin's lymphomatesticular cancerovarian cancer, and cervical cancer among others.[1] Typically used with other cancer medications,[1] it can be given intravenously, by injection into a muscle or under the skin.[1] It may also be administered inside the chest to help prevent the recurrence of a fluid around the lung due to cancer; however talc is better for this.[1][2]
Common side effects include fever, weight loss, vomiting, and rash.[1] A severe type of anaphylaxis may occur.[1] It may also cause inflammation of the lungs that can result in lung scarring.[1] Chest X-rays every couple of weeks are recommended to check for this.[1] Bleomycin may cause harm to the baby if used during pregnancy.[1] It is believed to primarily work by preventing the making of DNA.[1]
Bleomycin was discovered in 1962.[3] It is on the World Health Organization's List of Essential Medicines, the most effective and safe medicines needed in a health system.[4] It is available as a generic medication.[1] The wholesale cost in the developing world is between 14 USD and 78 USD a dose.[5] It is made by the bacterium Streptomyces verticillus.[1]

Side effects[edit]

The most serious complication of bleomycin is pulmonary fibrosis and impaired lung function. It has been suggested that bleomycin induces sensitivity to oxygen toxicity[7] and recent studies support the role of the proinflammatory cytokines IL-18 and IL-1beta in the mechanism of bleomycin-induced lung injury.[8] Any previous treatment with bleomycin should therefore always be disclosed to the anaesthetist prior to undergoing a procedure requiring general anaesthesia. Due to the oxygen sensitive nature of bleomycin, and the theorised increased likelihood of developing pulmonary fibrosis following supplemental oxygen therapy, it has been questioned whether patients should take part in scuba diving following treatment with the drug.[9]
Other side effects include fever, rash, dermatographismhyperpigmentationalopecia (hair loss) and Raynaud's phenomenon(discoloration of fingers and toes).

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.