Thursday, January 4, 2018

Update on J.J. and~Doubt? Have you ever been doubtful of your faith? This is a nice video~Enjoy! The Secret to Sticking to a New Year's Resolution~I really like this video.

Justin made it to chemo this morning (7:30 a.m.) before the storm hit. Tim said he has "the shakes" and was a little dehydrated even though they give him an IV and he drinks A LOT of water. Our future son in law Nate will pick him up at 12:30 or so. Nate has a huge 4 wheel drive truck. It may be fierce weather at that time, but he is a good driver.
Justin heard that the company he works for (L.L. Bean) will be laying off large numbers of their employees~ he asked:
"lay wouldn't lay anyone off who has cancer treatments would they?".............Jesus I TRUST IN YOU, I pray that Justin learns to trust in you too! 
It is hard not to be with him for every treatment, as much as I want to, I feel I have to let others "step up to the plate". 
Blessings upon you~

+JMJ+ Pray for us

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.