Saturday, December 30, 2017

Hymn for Mother of God~Maine Wild life in Winter~A homily in prep for the Sunday readin

Hymn for Mother of God of St.Nectarius of Aegina in church-slavonic. St.Sergius & Herman of Valaam church. Valaam. Russia. 1998. Album "The Northern Athos". 1995. Гимн Божией Матере прп. Нектария Эгинского на церковно-славянском языке. Храм прпп. Сергия и Германа Валаамских. Валаам. Россия. 1998 г. Альбом "Северный Афон". 1995 г.

These photos have the date the pictures were taken and the temperature. It was -15 degrees F this morning. Thank-you LORD for shelter and with those who are struggling during this time of difficulty.

All of these photos were taken on our land in Unity Maine.

Justin still has a great sense of humor.  The antlers are mounted on the wall of his home. They are Moose antlers from the Moose he was able to harvest 2 years ago(?) Check out the older posts for more on the Moose hunt:)

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.