Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Self Pity and Fear~ it is easy to fall into the trap of self pity and fear. There are many who are excellent in FEAR MONGERING, but try to resist; Choose not too, there is so many Good people in the world. We as a family have been blessed by many, many good, wonderful people during this family crisis....We are thankful for them!


noun: fear-mongering

  1. the action of deliberately arousing public fear or alarm about a particular issue.
    "his campaign for re-election was based on fear mongering and deception"

I will add, many other types of fear mongering abound. Insurance companies have been fear mongering at some levels for years and years. But it is the advent of the television, computers, phones etc....  these have excelled in fear mongering...I know I have allow these technologies to robbing me of peace and trust at times, how about you? Have you done the same? Try to resist, decrease any screen time. 

And of what should we be afraid? Our captain on this battlefield is Christ Jesus. We have discovered what we have to do. Christ has bound our enemies for us and weakened them that they cannot overcome us unless we so choose to let them. So we must fight courageously and mark ourselves with the sign of the most Holy Cross.\” – St. Catherine of Sienna

I am learning "How to FLY"~
You are in my prayers,
Blessings upon you!
+JMJ+ Pray for us

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.