Thursday, July 19, 2018

Meet Levi, our newest grandson and an update~Justin Battle with they removed the port~FREEDOM

Levi has arrived~Our newest grandson was born
Thursday July 12th @ 9 pounds 14 oz:) May God bless
him now and always~Thank-you Jesus

Our son Jacob, his wife Lindsay and Levi
leaving the hospital.

Grampy holding levi and a very healthy, (hairy) Justin who is all smiles....THANK GOD PLEASE!


During cancer treatment, a health care team often gives treatment into a vein. You can get chemotherapy, blood transfusions, antibiotics, and intravenous (IV) fluids this way. A team will probably also take blood samples. To make these treatments easier, A person might get a medical device called a catheter or port.
Implanted ports are removed using local anesthesia or conscious sedation. This is done in a sterile, operating room setting. During the procedure, a small incision is made and the port and catheter are removed.

Enjoy the video: I will add more "after cancer" pictures as I get them:) Glory be to the Holy Trinity! These are picture of before, during and the last picture is "after" cancer. The picture in the middle (he is wearing a pinkish/salmon colored striped shirt) is a month or 2 before his diagnosis. I only have one picture of "after" because he is so busy LIVING his LIFE, I rarely see him:)
We have been so blessed.....

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.