Friday, May 25, 2018

Greetings and Blessing my friends~ I am sharing some thoughts with you :)

"I feel so blessed!" ..........or do I?

It seems boring to say that over and over to people who have asked me lately "how are you?" or " how is Justin?" or "how is the family?"  and I wonder if some people have stopped asking because the know what I will say...... " I feel so Blessed"...and I do! Why then (I wonder to myself) why deep within myself I also feel anger. Why did Justin have cancer ?, Why has there been so much illness lately? Why am I not grateful ALL THE TIME? Why are some of my prayers not answered, (prayers I have prayed for years)? "Why is life so hard?" Have you ever felt these?

Trust in the Father and in HIS plan is the simple answer.....I seem to sabotage myself with self doubt instead of remembering how simple it is.....TRUST THE FATHER!

BUT when I do not feel blessed, I later feel ashamed...after all God has blessed us.

Definition of ashamed

"Ashamed." Merriam-Webster, n.d. Web. 22 May 2018.

1a feeling shame, guilt, or disgrace 
  • She felt ashamed for hitting her brother.
  • You should be ashamed of yourself.
  • Losing is nothing to be ashamed of.
  • He was deeply ashamed of his behavior.
feeling inferior or unworthy
feeling shame, guilt, or disgrace 
I will not beat myself anymore (at least for today) ......

 I found this very helpful, I hope you do too!

(this is just part of the homily, the rest can be found at:

God Doesn't Shame

"When we feel ashamed or condemned, we should fly to Christ, who has died and was raised and was glorified and who intercedes for us so that we might never have to bear the burden of the devil’s or anyone else’s blame or condemnation. If God does not blame his elect, then who can? The apostle tells us in the epistle to the Hebrews, “For the joy that was set before him, Christ endured the cross despising the shame.”
Of course, God’s not blaming or condemning us amounts to this great marvel: that through the intercession of Christ presenting his cross and resurrection to the Father we are given the graces of healing and repentance, we are restored to life, and sometimes over and over again. This is something the accuser, the devil, cannot do, and will not do, just like the cruel society that imitates his constant accusing and condemning. St. Thomas tells us in a lovely passage in his commentary on these verses:
Now his intercession for us is his will that we be saved, as he says in St. John’s Gospel, “I will that where I am they should be with me.” And he intercedes for us, presenting to his Father’s gaze the humanity he took up for us and the mysteries he celebrated in it.
If Christ is interceding for us, then we have the best of friends in him, a perfect one in every way before whom we never feel blamed or condemned but restored and blessed in him. It is this same blessed and loving Lord who intercedes for us each day in the Holy Mass as we along with him present to his Father’s gaze the mysteries celebrated in his and our humanity. The wounds of shame and worldly condemnation he bore for us, he now presents to the Father, and these heal our own wounds of blame and shame.
May all who feel despondent at the world’s bitter scorn find refuge in him, the only perfect one!

It is spring here in Maine, every year I am always amazed at the beauty that surrounds me in nature. I have been blessed for years and years with so many gifts and I am thankful, so very thankful....for YOU!

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.