Sunday, May 6, 2018

It is time to do the Pentecost Novena: THIS WILL BEGIN THE FRIDAY AFTER THE ASCENSION,( MAY 11 )~this is one that I do every year. Day 1 - Pentecost Novena | 2018

This is a rare Sunday post, because it is the first day of the Pentecost Novena will be this week. I will post the novena prayers daily, below is the first day video, (I got the days mixed up)....I will repost it this Fri.
I have not written much in the past month or so and I am sorry about that. I hope you have enjoyed the videos I have posted...I have thought and prayed for you! 
I have felt so very tired and in need of rest. I think that now that Justin is "out of danger", (I pray) I have let my guard down and when I did that...illness stuck. I have had a virus that was rough, (non flu type virus), paralyzing pain in the last two finger of my left hand, and another diverticulitis infection, (the last time I had this type of infection was 2 weeks before Justin's cancer diagnosis) and I wanted to prepare for the Maine Catholic Woman Conference which was Sat. May 5 and a huge success...Praise be to God!
May will be very busy for us~the garden needs to be planted, Finnian has a dance recital 2 days this month. Nate, (Jennifer's "partner" and the father of Finn and Isla Rose)  and Jennifer both have birthdays, Mothers Day is coming, Tim is going away on a fishing trip and my family is have a special celebration for a family member....every week end is booked!

I also wanted to update you with new info about Justin. Tim and he went down to Boston Dana Faber/Brigham's hospital for Justin's procedure/ operation on May 3rd. They did remove his right testie, but not his port....yes I know...I wonder why as well???  Dr. Steel said, "I will send the pathology reports to your oncologist, the report will determine the path we take....?" When I asked Tim what that meant, he said he did not know....

I should have gone with them:)

Justin feels great, and is back to work~4 hour days to start with. His hair is growing back, (his hair is so soft, like a babies hair) too.
Again, I ask you to say a little thank-you prayer to God on our behalf....thanks.

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.