Saturday, June 2, 2018

As many of you know, If I can make something at home instead of buying it from the store ...I will make it! I make homemade soaps, my own shampoo, deodorant. I think this will be my next project: Homemade Hand Sanitizer

The garden is in and the canning jars are ready!  I have been harvesting wild greens, ( dandelion, plantain, fiddleheads) to  dehydrate and crush into a fine flakes. This is what  call a "mixed green blend". I put the flakes into a canning jar and use it by the tablespoon full. I add it to anything and everything as a way of getting extra greens into our diet. I will add other types of greens from the garden, (beet greens, spinach, kale, etc), dehydrating them as fast as I can harvest and dry them.

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.