Tuesday, June 12, 2018

This one that I will try~No Bake Apple Crisp~ please do not forget to check out all my older post by clicking on: "CHECK THE ARCHIVE"

Next week is my last week of school before summer vacation! It will be wonderful to have some free time for a few days..... I am tired....it was a rough winter and spring. 
I will be working for my school district over the summer, (summer school program 7:45 am till 11:45 am, Mon. through Thurs.) and doing some child care for my grandchildren...yea! 
I do hope to have more time to write and to practice making videos for my new "you tube" channel. 
You are all in  my prayers, I ask God to bless all who view my sites...you are a gift:)
If you are curious, here is my You Tube site address- leave any comments please, I can use all the help I can get:)   https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpPcmEvmG9Dlza1cysBhg3g/featured

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.