Wednesday, February 7, 2018

A quick update and A Letter

Justin had a chemo treatment yesterday; afterward he came home and we had supper. He was not feeling well, which is no surprise after chemo, but this different he heart was racing. Tim drove him home, (Justin thought he would feel better once he went to bed). Tim had just returned when Justin phoned. His heart was now pounding and he was having chest pain. Tim and I drove back to pick him up and we went straight to the hospital emergency room, 
(I drove very fast!!!). His heart was reacting negatively to something, the doctors were once again puzzled, (nothing about Justin's cancer has been ordinary or typical). After several calls and discussions to Justin's regular Dr's, the Dr. on duty decided to give him a medicine that would actually stop his heart for a moment, as the heart re-starts it regains a normal rhythm/pattern. This attempt did not work. Another medication was given to slow his heart, it also had not effect. At this point it was almost mid-night. It was decided to try a third medication which has to be given slowly and monitored constantly so Justin was admitted to the hospital's intensive care unit, (ICU). 
The medication has worked thanks be to GOD! Justin will remain in the hospital.
Tim and I are so grateful to the doctors~ Dr. Tillinhaust Justin's Oncologist and Dr. Enrique Rivas his Cardiologist. They both stayed at the hospital, and made repeated trips to talks to us today. They were men on a mission: WHY is this happening? After reviewing all the scans, all the labs, (and there are a lot of labs), and making many consulting phones calls. They strongly believe that Justin is having a rare re-action to the chemo med. BLEOMYCIN. We can only pray that there is no permanent damage to his heart.

Justin stated~"Great~I am going deaf, and now I have a broken heart:(

It is now 8:06 pm Eastern U.S. time. We are in the middle of a snowstorm, and are heading to bed. Justin is safe, and doing well, (he is so strong, again thanks be to GOD) and is still in ICU. Justin will remain in the ICU until Friday.
Tim went to bed a while ago, having gotten only 4 hours sleep last night. I am tired as well. 

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.