We arrived home from Boston at around 9:00 pm Wednesday Feb 14th, (last night).
To say we were all exhausted would be a major understatement. Several days in the hospital, half of them in I.C.U. was very stressful.
I did not go with Tim and Justin this morning but Justin had to get up and go to chemo. "He looks wiped out" Tim said.
When ever a loved one has cancer, it takes a mental and physical toll on a person...I can speak from personal experience, as Justin's Mom I was not and could not be prepared for this. I do not think anyone could prepare for someone they love, (in my case my 25 year old son) to under go the battle of cancer. To see someone I love grow pale, thin, weak, grumpy, have fear in his eyes and to watch doctors and nurses pump him full of toxic poison, and give him pill, after pill, after pill....as well as the pride at seeing him fight, to remain calm and hopeful, and to practice acceptance with one battle after another, to say in essence "I got this, I can do this, it will be OK, I need to do this now, not forever, and by May I will be cured..." this whole experience could not have been anticipated.
Justin does not have "faith in God"~It has been a revelation to me not to feel responsible, I do not have to have EXTRA faith, (for me and him and for other family members) which is a great blessing to me...I was feeling overwhelmed. Everything about this situation is totally out of my hands and into HIS.
Praise God~
"This video is dedicated to Cancer Kicking Warriors everywhere, and to all who have found their way here. Let this be a gentle reminder that we don't have to depend on our own strength, His Strength Is Perfect :-)"
A HUGE shout of thanks to REBE who graciously let us sleep at her home, and graciously giving us her support, care and food ~ She is a great cook!
Tim and I were amazed at her energy and thoughtfulness. She is in her seventies and still works at a part time job, bowls on a bowling team, cooks like crazy, and cares for others.
While at Brigham Women Hospital I happen to meet people who were from Upper New York State who were also struggling with a family member's painful cancer treatment. They would stay 9 + hours at the hospital, take the shuttle bus to their hotel to sleep and then start the whole process over again which is the same routine we had. But we had to comfort of a friend and her home at the end of the day. There were also people on Justin's floor who were from Ohio, far from home and friends. We feel so blessed to have had a good friend to take us into her home. Please pray with us, to ask God to Bless Rebe, thank-you.
+JMJ+ Pray for us
~Blessings upon you all~