Saturday, February 3, 2018

Justin has lost almost all his hair and some of his eyebrows, but he is sill smiling and looks better than he has in a long time; thanks be to God.~ Our Lady of Lourdes feast day is coming soon~ A video : Motivation to Go to Catholic Mass

Tim took this photo last night, (1-2-18)
Justin is now gaining weight thanks to all the wonderful cooks who keep him supplied with pre-made meals. Making meals for him is one thing I was concerned about, ( at the end of a long day I do not have the energy to cook)...but the women in the family and amazing friends have taken over the job and Justin is thriving because of it.....THANK-YOU!

February 11th is the feast of Our lady of Lourdes
From Catholic Cuisine

Crepes for the Feast of St. Bernadette

I want to thank Jessica of Shower of Roses for inviting me to be a guest author here at Catholic Cuisine. I hope to post some of our recipes and liturgical ideas throughout the year for you to try with your families! I feel blessed to be part of this lovely sharing blog!

Here is a very easy and lovely meal that can be prepared for the Feast of St. Bernadette which we celebrate tomorrow April 16th.

I first posted this celebration at Sweetness and Light titled Crepes for St. Therese, hence the statue of St. Therese.

Here's the VERY simple and no fail Crepes recipe:
4 eggs lightly beaten
2 cups milk
1 Tablespoon Canola Oil (or any veg oil, just not Olive oil)
3/4c. to 1 cup flour (depending upon how thin or thick you prefer)
1-2 Tablespoons sugar
1/4 tespoon salt (kosher)
Blend first three ingredients until frothy, add last three ingredients and blend until you have a nice smooth pourable batter. Pour about 1/4 cup batter onto a med-high heat griddle or very large non-stick saute pan. (You need room around your crepe to get your spatula under it to flip) Use a spoon to lightly swirl your crepe into a large disc, be careful not to tear the batter, if you happen to, just spoon a little batter into that spot :) Cook for about 30 seconds on each side until lightly golden, and then stack 'em up on a platter for serving at the table.
Of note: you may have a crepe pan at home and if you like that give it a whirl, personally my favorite cooking surface for these is my stove top griddle ;)

This recipe works for either sweet or savory crepes, I would just omit the sugar if your fixing for a dinner crepe!

Fill with any of your favorite *pancake* type items, like maple syrup, powdered sugar, applesauce, yogurt, peanut butter, jams, honey, strawberries and whip cream :)

I hope you enjoy these as much as we do and please share your results if you try them, they are a mainstay in our family celebrations!!

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.