Saturday, February 10, 2018

"Heart is attacking,or his heart is breaking" ~Justin uses the words to share with others what is going on....

As many of you know our 25 year old son Justin has embryonal cell carcinoma, This nightmare started November 5th 2017. If you would like, view the older blog postings which begin in Nov. for the blow by blow details....see the side bar and click on any of the months to see my older postings.
He has just finished his first 2 "rounds", (15 days, in total, each), this past Tuesday Feb. 6th.  Tim and he came home afterward ( to our home) for supper and rest. Here is a picture, the cat only jumps up on Justin, so when ever he is home T.C. (the cat) takes advantage.

Justin is all smile with T.C. on him.

Later the night, it was a different scene. His heart began to pound/hurt/race, he has shortness of breath.
He was admitted to the hospital and put in I.C.U. (I realize this information is repeated from my post earlier this week). 

The next day he was much better, but it was decided that he should be sent to Boston. They think he is having an allergic reaction to one of his chemo meds (BLEOMYCIN). They want to give him a heart MRI, to make sure there is not any damage to his heart, before the next round of chemo which begins on Mon. Feb 12th.  So we are heading to Boston for the week. The Dana Farber doctors want to watch him very closely, they still want to continue with the BLEOMYCIN...please pray. 

I will update when I can.

God Bless you all.
+JMJ+ Pray for us

A "vintage train" ride. Enjoy the sounds of long ago, ( and yes, I did get soot on me). This is a coal powered steam train.